Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome using the Modified ATP III Definitions for Workers in Japan, Korea and Mongolia
- 論文の詳細を見る
A clustering of insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidemia has been labeled as the metabolic syndrome. Asians have a lower frequency of obesity than do Caucasians, but have an increasing tendency toward metabolic syndrome. Most data on metabolic syndrome are based on studies from Western countries with only limited information derived from Asian populations. We conducted a cross-sectional study of individuals aged 30-60 yr in workplace settings. We examined and analyzed the health data of 1, 384 Japanese, Koreans and Mongolians for metabolic syndrome based on the modified definitions of the working definition proposed by the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Educational Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (ATP III definition). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome using the ATP III-BMI30 and ATP III-BMI25 definitions was 7% and 12% for Japanese, 7% and 13% for Koreans, and 12% and 16% for Mongolians, respectively. With the exception of obesity, the prevalences of individual metabolic abnormalities within each of the three Asian groups were similar to each other and to reported rates of prevalence in the U. S. A. Nevertheless, the values of sensitivity and specificity by the metabolic syndrome definitions are remarkably different relative to ethnicity. A universal metabolic syndrome definition is inappropriate for comparisons of metabolic syndrome among Asian ethnic groups. We believe that the ATP III-BMI25 definition is suitable for the determination of metabolic syndrome among Japanese and Koreans, and that the ATP III-BMI30 is more appropriate for Mongolians.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
エルデムビレグ アヌーラド
Erdembileg Anuurad
島根大学 医学部環境予防医学
アヌーラド エルデンビレグ
Anuurad Erdembileg
Shimane Univ. School Of Medicine Jpn
Anuurad Erdembileg
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Anuurad Erdembileg
島根医科大学 環境保健医学 講座
Anuurad Erdembileg
島根医科大学 環境保健医学
エンヘマー ビャムバ
島根大学 医学部環境予防医学講座
Kim Jung-man
Industrial Medicine Research Institute Dong-a University
SHIWAKU Kuninori
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine,Shimane University School of Medicine
NOGI Akiko
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine,Shimane University School of Medicine
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine,Shimane University School of Medicine
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine,Shimane University School of Medicine
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine,Shimane University School of Medicine
KIM In-Shik
Industrial Medicine Research Institute, Dong-A University
LEE Sung-Kook
Department of Preventive Medicine ,School of Medicine,Kyungpook National University
OYUNSUREN Tsendsuren
Center for Biotechnology,Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine,Shimane University School of Medicine
Anuurad Erdembileg
Enkhmaa B
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
ビアムバー エンヘマ
ビアムバー エンヘマ
Enkhmaa Byambaa
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Lee Sung-kook
Department Of Preventive Medicine School Of Medicine Kyungpook National University
Nogi Akiko
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Yamane Yosuke
First Division Department Of Medicine Shimane Medical University
Kim In‐shik
Chonbuk National Univ. Chonbuk Kor
Kim In-shik
Industrial Medicine Research Institute Dong-a University
Kitajima Keiko
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Yamasaki Masayuki
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University Faculty Of Medicine
Nogi Akiko
Department Of Human Nutrition Faculty Of Nursing And Human Nutrition Yamaguchi Prefectural Universit
Oyunsuren Tsendsuren
Center For Biotechnology Mongolian Academy Of Sciences
Shiwaku Kuninori
Department Of Environmental & Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Shiwaku K
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Shimane University School Of Medicine
Department of Applied Science, Okayama University of Science
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