- 論文の詳細を見る
McGurk and MacDonald (1976) reported that the mismatch between the auditory signal of natural speech and the visual signal of speaker's lip movements created a third phoneme differently from both of the auditory and visual signals. The fact is called the McGurk effect. In the present study, it was examined that, if landscape and soundscape were mismatched, the McGurk effect would generate the third scenic image perception or not. In Experiment, different visual scenic images and different sound street noises were combined with each other. Observing the stimulus images of still ones on a screen (Exp.1), on a computer display (Exp.2), and video-taped movie ones on TV monitor (Exp.3), participants of the undergraduates evaluated their impressions. Results revealed that, in general, the scenic image perception was visually dependent and that McGurk effect was seen when visual images were insufficient for providing enough information about recognizing the scenic contents.
- 社団法人映像情報メディア学会の論文
- 2000-03-23
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