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Uronic acid forms a complex salt with molybdic acid in acetic acid and this complex shows rotatory dispersion curve with a maximum rotation value at 345 mμ. When molybdic acid is added to uronic acid lactone, a considerable time is required until the optical rotation reaches a constant value. There is a proportional relation between the degree of optical rotation at 345 mμ and concentration of uronic acid, and uronic acid can be determined by using this relationship.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1969-05-25
- 少糖類の研究(第16報)セネガ根に見出された新しい三糖類について
- Studies of Oligosaccharides. XV. Syntheses of Hydroquinone Glycosides of Gentio Oligosaccharides
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- Studies of Oligosaccharides. XII. Hydrophilization of Glycyrrhetinic Acid by Coupling to Gentio Oligosaccharides
- ウロン酸のモリブデン酸錯塩の旋光分散
- アルドテトロン酸ラクトンおよびそのモリブデン酸錯塩の旋光分散
- 異性体分析(第3報) : D-グルコン酸塩とL-イドン酸塩およびD-アラボン酸塩とD-リボン酸塩の差別定量
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- The Photorearrangement and Thermolysis of N-Benzoyliminoisoquinolinium and Quinolinium Betaines
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- Trisulfation of Hexoses by Means of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid
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- Studies of Oligosaccharides. IX. Synthesis of Gentiooligosaccharides by Block Condensation
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