ゲンノショウコ成分の研究(第8報)煎出時のGeraniinの変化について その1
- 論文の詳細を見る
Dissolution followed by hydrolysis of geraniin during decoction of chopped dried herb of Geranium thunbergii was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography on a column of hydrocarbon polymer. The effects of using vessels of different materials for decoction, on dissolution and hydrolysis of geraniin were also determined. We found that upon slow warming of water, the amount of geraniin in the decoction reaches the maximum in a short time after the water starts to boil, and also that the amount of geraniin then decreases fairly fast. The amount of corilagin which is one of the products of hydrolysis of geraniin, increases at the same time, and continues to increase for some time after most of geraniin disappears. When decoction was carried out in beakers of approximately the same volume and of different materials, no marked difference in the results was noted. However, appreciable differences were observed between an aluminum kettle and an earthen vessel of approximately the same volume and of considerably different weight. Although the traditional way of decoction of crude drugs indicates that use of metalic vessels should be avoided, our results show that the superiority of the earthenware is due to mild warming. The experiments of infusing chopped dried herb of Geranium thunbergii repeatedly in a teapot with hot water showed that this is a good method of extracting geraniin without causing extensive hydrolysis.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1979-05-25
奥田 拓男
毛利 和子
奥田 拓男
毛利 和子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Okayama University
石野 雅子
- II-C-9 山茱萸のタンニン関連成分
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