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A hypoalbuminemic substance was extracted from mouse Ehrlich solid carcinoma. The tumors were homogenized with saline solution, centrifuged, and the resultant turbid supernatant (F-1) was separated. The turbidity was removed by freezing and thawing of the supernatant, and the resultant clear extract (F-2) was dialyzed against 12mM NaCl solution. The inner solution possessing hypoalbuminemic activity was freezedried. This fraction (F-3) was gel-filtered through Sephadex G-150,by using 12mM NaCl solution followed by 1M acetic acid containing 12 mM NaCl as the eluant. An active fraction (F-4-II) was gel-filtered again under the same condition. Of four peaks obtained the third was the active fraction (F-5-III). The yield in protein was 3.0% for F-1 and 0.2% for F-5-III. The decrease in serum albumin was statistically significant for F-1 and F-5-III, while the changes in serum globulins were not significant. F-5-III did not produce a significant change in total serum protein. F-5-III was not electrophoretically homogeneous, although it sedimented as a single peak in ultracentrifugal analysis. Its molecular weight was roughly estimated to be 16000 by ultracentrifugation. Amino acid content of F-5-III was 59.95%, and asparticacid, glutamic acid, and isoleucine were contained in fairly large amounts. Neither the extract prepared from musculus glutaeus maximus of a normal mouse by the same procedures nor bovine serum albumin displayed hypoalbuminemic activity.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1973-07-25
- タンパク質分解酵素のインスリン様活性(第8報) : プロナーゼより得たN-サクシニル-L-トリアラニンp-ニトロアニリド水解酵素によるラット副〓丸脂肪組織の脂肪合成とピルビン酸脱水素酵素活性の促進及びエピネフリン感受性脂肪分解の抑制(発表論文抄録(1984年),福山大学開学10周年記念号)
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- The Active Site of Carboxypeptidase Cu. II. Photooxidation of Carboxypeptidases C_ and C_
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