- 論文の詳細を見る
From the fresh leaves of Formosan Melicope confusa (MERR). LIU, skimmianine (II), kokusaginine (IV), and a new furoquinoline-type alkaloid, confusameline, were isolated. The new alkaloid, confusameline, occurs as light brownish needles, mp 239-240°, and its methylation with diazomethane gives evolitrine (XIV). By the comparison of signal positions of methoxyl groups in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of the O-ethyl compound (XV), obtained by ethylation with diazoethane, and the NMR spectra of several known furoquinoline-type alkaloids which have already been reported (Table I), the structure of confusameline was proposed as formula XIII.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1971-07-25
盧 盛徳
Pharmaceutical Institute Kaohsiung Medical College
王 三吉
陳 益昇
楊 蔵雄
林 正浩
陳 益昇
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