台湾産クスノキ科植物アルカロイド研究(第13報) : コニシタブNotaphoebe Konishii HAYATAのアルカロイド
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Studies on the alkaloid components contained in the roots of Notaphoebe Konishii HAYATA (Japanese name "Konishi-tabu", Chinese name "Hsiao-hsi-sainan) (Lauraceae) were made and L-(-)-N-norarmepavine, dl-N-noratmepavine and L-(+)-laudanidine and two other substances have been isolated in crystals (Table I). This plant is considered, from the view point of the basic components, to belong to the similar group of the Machilus.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1967-10-25
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