- 論文の詳細を見る
The roots of Angelica ursina MAXIM. (Umbelliferae) afforded seven known coumarins, glabra-lactone (1), osthol (2), xanthotoxin (4), bergapten (17), 7-methoxy-8-senecioylcoumarin (18), coumurrayin (19) and glabra-lactone hydrate (20) as well as a mixture of angelols (21). Further it became clear that 21 consisted of the group I-IV of angelols on the basis of ^1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectral analysis and thin layer chromatography, though they are not yet investigated exactly. On the other hand the seeds of this plant afforded six known coumarins, imperatorin (3), umbelliprenin (8), heraclenin (22), heraclenol (23), tert-O-methylheraclenol (24) and 8-geranoxypsoralen (25).
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1983-10-25
馬場 きみ江
松山 容子
Osaka College of Pharmacy
松山 容子
福本 雅代
福本 雅代
Osaka College Of Pharmacy
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- Chemical Studies of Angelica japonica A. GRAY. I. On the Constituents of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of the Root
- Studies on Coumarins from the Root of Angelica pubescens MAXIM. III. Structures of Various Coumarins including Angelin, a New Prenylcoumarin
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- Studies on Coumarins from the Root of Angelica pubescens MAXIM. V. Stereochemistry of Angelols A-H
- Studies on Coumarins from the Root of Angelica pubescens MAXIM. IV. Structures of Angelol-Type Prenylcoumarins