抗腫瘍剤Adriamycinの抗腫瘍効果及び副作用発現機序からみたBiochemical Modulator Methylxanthine誘導体の作用
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The antitumor activity of adriamycin (ADR) was enhanced by combination with theobromine or pentoxifylline. Theobromine increased the concentration of ADR in the tumor without any effects on that in the heart and the liver. The influence of the combination of theobromine or pentoxifylline with ADR on the lipid peroxide level (indicating the ADR-induced side effect) and on DNA biosynthesis (indicating the side effect and antitumor activity) were examined. When ADR was administered into mice, the lipid peroxide level in the liver and the heart increased. However, the combination of theobromine or pentoxifylline did not enhance the ADR-induced increment of the lipid peroxide level in the liver, and moreover, it inhibited that in the heart. The decrease of DNA biosynthesis in the liver and the heart, induced by ADR, were not enhanced by combination with theobromine or pentoxifylline. On the other hand, the combination of theobromine with ADR significantly increased the inhibition of DNA biosynthesis in the tumor. These findings indicate that the combination of theobromine or pentoxifylline with ADR have no effect on the side effects of ADR in the liver and the heart, with the increase of antitumor activity of ADR in the tumor, and it is suggested that these drugs will be of value as a biochemical modulator of ADR.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1998-05-01
佐塚 泰之
岩崎 綾乃
岩崎 綾乃
佐塚 泰之
広田 貞雄
佐塚 泰之
静岡県大 薬
佐塚 泰之
静岡県立大学薬学部 薬品製造工学教室
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