- 論文の詳細を見る
Multilamellar liposomes consisting of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dicetyl phosphate (DCP) in a molar ratio of 8 : 2 (DPPC : DCP=8 : 2) were coated with three different types of polymers : chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol having a long alkyl chain, and poly(acrylic acid) bearing cholesterols. The existence of polymer layers on the liposome surface was confirmed by measuring the zeta potential of the liposomal particles. The mucoadhesive function of the polymer-coated liposomes was evaluated in vitro using rat intestine. A particle counting method using the Coulter counter was adopted to evaluate the adhesive % of liposomes. Chitosan coated liposomes showed the highest adhesive % among the polymer-coated liposomes tested. No adhesive % was observed for the non-coated liposomes. The adhesion of chitosan-coated liposomes to the intestine wall was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy using pyren loaded liposomes.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-09-15
川島 嘉明
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
山本 浩充
愛知学院大学 薬学部 製剤学講座
竹内 洋文
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
丹羽 敏幸
丹羽 敏幸
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
日野 知証
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
山本 浩充
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
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- Particle Design for Antidiabetic Drugs by the Spherical Crystallization Technique. IV. Assessment of Compressibility of Agglomerated Tolbutamide Crystals Prepared by Crystallization Technique
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- Redispersible Dry Emulsion System as Novel Oral Dosage form of Oily drugs : In vivo Studies in Beagle Dogs
- Particle Design of Tolbutamide by the Spherical Crystallization Technique. III. : Micromeritic Properties and Dissolution Rate of Tolbutamide Spherical Agglomerates Prepared by the Quasi-Emulsion Solvent Diffusion Method and the Solvent Chenge Method
- Particle Design of Tolbutamide by the Spherical Cystallization Technique. II. : Factors Causing Polymorphism of Tolbutamide Spherical Agglomerates
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- サブミクロン化したキトサンコーティングリポソームの消化管粘膜付着挙動と薬物呼吸性の評価
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- ドライパウダー吸入抗喘息製剤のin vivo評価系の構築とその評価
- キトサンマイクロスフェアを用いた経肺投与用粉末吸入製剤の開発
- HPMCPナノパーティクルシステムによる水系微粒子コーディング
- 直接打錠用アスコルビン酸造粒結晶原末の開発と圧縮成形性の評価
- 球形晶析法により調製したニコチン酸トコフェロール打錠用細粒の圧縮成形性の評価
- 部分疎水化水溶性ポリマーでコーティングしたドキソルビシン封入リポソームの抗腫瘍効果
- キトサンおよびリポソームのインスリン酵素分解抑制作用と消化管粘膜吸収促進作用
- 薬物粒子の表面改質(複合化)によるドライパウダー吸入製剤の設計
- ドキソルビシン封入リポソームのポリマーコーティングとその特性
- PVA-RコーティングリポソームとPEGステルスリポソームの血中滞留性比較
- Flocculation Studies of Granulated Stearyl Alcohol on the Surface of Aqueous Media. III. : Changes of Agglomerate Structure in a Two-Dimensional System with Anionic Surface-Acitive Agent
- Flocculation Kinetics of the Didisperse System-Computer Simulation of Flocculation by the Random Coalescence Model
- Effects of Granulation Method and Drug Dissolved in Binder Solution on Compressibility of Granules
- Spray Drying Agglomeration. I. Physicochemical Properties of Agglomerated Synthetic Aluminium Silicate or Magnesium Carbonate
- 薬物結晶のサブミクロン化と晶析造粒 (特集1 粉体技術とナノテクノロジーの接点)
- 薬物送達用生分解性ナノ粒子の表面特性が細胞との相互作用に及ぼす影響
- Wet Spherical Agglomeration of Binary Mixtures. II. Mechanism and Kinetics of Agglomeration and the Crushing Strength of Agglomerates
- Computer Simulation of Agglomeration by a Two-dimensional Random Addition Model. III. -Agglomeration Kinetics and Micromeritic Properties of Closely-packed Agglomerates of Heterogeneous Binary Circles-
- ヒドロキシプロピルメチルセルロースフタレートナノパーティクルによる水系腸溶性コーティングシステムの開発
- Simulation of Agglomeration. II. Two-dimensional Random Addition Model. (1)
- The Role of Binders in the Prevention of Capping within a Tablet
- Introduction of New Index for the Prediction of Capping Tendency of Tablets
- 圧縮圧解析機能を有する単発打錠機を用いた圧縮成形性と打錠障害の評価
- The Effects of Interfacial Physical Properties on the Cohesive Forces of Moist Powder in Air and in Liquid
- 医薬品業界における湿式プロセス--サブミクロン化と晶折造粒 (特集 湿式プロセス100年戦略)
- ペプチドの経粘膜投与を目指したキトサン微粒子キャリアーの設計と評価
- The Effects of Wall Thickness and Amount of Hardening Agent on the Release Characteristics of Sulfamethoxazole Microcapsules prepared by Gelatin-Acacia Complex Coacervation