Oral Administration of Calcium Hydroxide Stimulates Bone Metabolism in the Femoral Diaphysis of Rats with Skeletal Unloading
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The preventive effect of calcium hydroxide on the disorder of bone metabolism caused by skeletal unloading was investigated. Skeletal unloading was designed using the model of hindlimb hang in rats. Skeletal unloading for 7d caused a significant decrease of inorganic phosphorus concentration in the serum and of alkaline phosphatase activity and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content in the femoral diaphysis of rats. Oral administration of calcium hydroxide (16 and 24 mg Ca/kg) caused a significant increase in serum inorganic phosphorus concentration and femoral-diaphyseal calcium content and alkaline phosphatase activity of rats with skeletal unloading. Bone DNA content was significantly increased by the dose of 24 mg Ca/kg. These results clearly indicate that skeletal unloading-induced disorder of bone metabolism is partly prevented by oral administration of calcium hydroxide. Calcium ingestion may be useful as a therapeutic tool in the disorder of bone metabolism caused by skeletal unloading.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1991-12-25
星 猛
山口 正義
Laborabory of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Graduate School of Nutritional Sciences, University of S
星 猛
Laboratory of Physiology, School of Food and Nutritional Sciences
下川 哲昭
Laboratory of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Graduate School of Nutritional Sciences
星 猛
Laboratory Of Physiology School Of Food And Nutritional Sciences
山口 正義
静岡県立大学 大学院
山口 正義
下川 哲昭
Laboratory Of Metabolism And Endocrinology Graduate School Of Nutritional Sciences
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