Pharmacokinetic Studies of the Inhibition of Glucuronization of Pentazocine by Salicylamide
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The serum concentrations of unchanged and glucuronized drug were determined after intravenous injection of pentazocine (PA) in rabbits. A compartment model isolating the liver from the central compartment was proposed to explain the observed time courses of the concentration, and the resulting convolution equation was M (t)=∫^1_0D (t-θ) G (θ) dθ, where M (t) and D (t) are the serum concentrations of glucuronized PA and unchanged PA after intravenous injection, respectively. The weight function, G (t), which represents the response for a pulse input of glucuronized PA was estimated to be G (t)=0.00933 (e^<-0.00818t>-e^<-0.223t>) (min^<-1>). The simultaneous intravenous administration of salicylamide (SAM) had no effect on the glucuronization of PA in serum. The serum concentration of glucuronized PA calculated by numerical convolution of G (t) and the published serum concentration of unchanged PA after oral administration represents that of glucuronide produced from the unchanged PA which escaped the first-pass effect. This calculated value was far below the published serum concentration of glucuronized PA after oral administration, and the difference represents the glucuronized PA produced by the first-pass effect. The area under the concentration-versus-time curve of glucuronized PA produced by the first-pass effect was 274 times larger than that of glucuronized PA produced from unchanged PA in the serum. Simultaneous oral administration of SAM only inhibits the first-pass effect.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1985-08-25
弓田 長彦
西垣 隆一郎
西垣 隆一郎
西垣 隆一郎
梅村 甲子郎
東邦大学 薬学部
梅村 甲子郎
梅村 甲子郎
School of Pharmaceutical Science, Toho University
気賀沢 和雄
Grelan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
弓田 長彦
梅村 甲子郎
梅村 甲子郎
School Of Pharmaceutical Science Toho University
気賀沢 和雄
Grelan Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
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