- 論文の詳細を見る
Platycodon root, one of the most Important Chinese herbal medicines, has been used as an antiphlogistic, antitussivie, and expectorant agent since ancient times. In the Japanese Pharmacopoeia XIV this is listed as the root of Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle (Campanulaceae) and called KIKYOU (Platycodi Radix) in Japanese. HPLC analysis showed that commercial samples of P. Radix all contained platycodins, and a total of 12 peaks were identified by co-HPLC analysis with autheutic samples isolated earlier from this laboratory. The peak purity and identity were checked with a photodiode array detector. The contents of the major saponins, platycodins A, C, and D, were determined and the peak-area ratios of platycodins A, C, and D, were shown to be correlated with their sources of origin. Fourteen commercial samples of Platycodon root, the origin of which was Platycodon grandiflorum, were collected from China (5 samples), Korea (5 samples), and Japan (4 samples). The commercial samples from China, Korea, and Japan each gave a distinct HPLC pattern with peak-area ratio of platycodins A, C, and D, of 1 : 2 : 3 and 2 : 8 : 1, respectively HPLC analysis showed that those on the Japanese market were either imported from China or Korea based upon their HPLC patterns.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2003-06-01
- P2-199 注射剤の機能性・安全性の評価 : 輪液・輸血製剤を中心として(一般演題 ポスター発表,医薬品管理(その他),医療薬学の創る未来 科学と臨床の融合)
- O12-014 高齢者における服薬介助の実態調査(一般演題 口頭発表,糖尿病/使用状況調査・意識調査,医療薬学の創る未来 科学と臨床の融合)
- 21-P3-496 医薬品開封性の評価と検討 : 手指機能障害のない高齢者に必要な条件の検討(使用状況調査・意識調査,来るべき時代への道を拓く)
- 30P3-062 入院患者への服薬介助に関する調査研究(薬品管理、使用状況調査,医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- 高齢者における散剤開封の実態--開封の客観的評価
- 高齢者における散剤開封の実態--使用者による評価
- 生薬・キキョウのサポニン成分のHPLCによる品質評価
- P-21 杏仁に含まれる Amygdalin 及び Benzaldehyde の経時的変化について
- Structures of Steroidal Saponins from the Tubers of Brodiaea californica and Their Inhibitory Activity on Tumor Promoter-Induced Phospholipid Metabolism
- Inhibitors of Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase from Schisandra chinensis and the Structure Activity Relationship of Lignans
- 13-4-C1 透析患者におけるアミノグリコシド剤の新しい投与方法の検討
- GABA_Aレセプター拮抗体・ピクロデンドリン類の構造と活性
- Three New Cholestane Bisdesmosides from Nolina recurvata Stems and Their Inhibitory Activity on cAMP Phosphodiesterase and Na^+/K^+ ATPase
- Triterpenoid Saponins from Ardisia crenata and Their Inhibitory Activity on cAMP Phosphodiesterase
- Steroidal Constituents from the Underground Parts of Reineckea carnea and Their Inhibitory Activity on cAMP Phosphodiesterase
- Terpenoids and Flavonoids from Arenaria kansuensis
- 酵素阻害活性による漢方処方の検討(第3報)Adenosine3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesteraseによる麻黄湯の研究
- Three New Furostanol Saponins from the Bulbs of Ipheion uniflorum
- New Steroidal Saponins from the Bulbs of Allium giganteum Exhibiting Potent Inhibition of cAMP Phosphodiesterase Activity
- Agapanthussaponins A-D, New Potent cAMP Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors from the Underground Parts of Agapanthus inapertus
- New Polyhydroxylated Cholestane Glycosides from the Bulbs of Ornithogalum saundersiae
- 56 ユリ科ツルボ亜科植物の生理活性成分研究Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase阻害活性を有する新規トリテルペン配糖体の構造(ポスター発表の部)
- 酵素阻害活性による漢方処方の検討(第6報)Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesteraseによる麻杏甘石湯の研究
- 酵素阻害活性による漢方処方の検討(第5報)Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesteraseによる半夏瀉心湯, 甘草瀉心湯, 生姜瀉心湯の研究
- P-804 エチルバニリンの服薬補助剤としての応用(22.健康食品,医療薬学の未来へ翔(はばた)く-薬剤師の薬剤業務・教育・研究への能動的関わり-)
- 薬効報告 抗生物質の苦味を和らげる調剤用矯味剤の開発とその臨床応用について
- P2-069 点眼薬キャップ色の類似性に関する検討(一般演題 ポスター発表,リスクマネージメント,臨床から学び臨床へと還元する医療薬学)
- Inhibition of Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase by Flavonoids from Licorice Roots and 4-Arylcoumarins
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- P-487 タミフルドライシロップの服用性における添加物の影響(6.薬剤服用歴管理・服薬指導(外来患者服薬指導),"薬剤師がつくる薬物治療"-薬・薬・学の連携-)
- 酵素阻害活性による漢方処方の検討(第1報) : Adenosine 3', 5'-Cyclic Monophosphate Phosphodiesteraseによる半夏瀉心湯の研究
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- 薬学部における漢方(薬)への卒前教育での取り組み
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