Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model Analysis of the Pharmacokinetics of Metoprolol in Routinely Treated Japanese Patients(Biopharmacy)
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This study was performed to estimate the mean pharmacokinetic parameters of routinely administered metoprolol in middle-aged and elderly Japanese patients. Whole blood concentration data (65 samples) at steady-state following repetitive administration to 34 patients were analyzed using a nonlinear mixed effects model. A one-compartment model was parameterized in terms of oral clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F). We evaluated the effect of polymorphic alleles (CYP2D6^*2, CYP2D6^*10, CYP2C19^*2 and CYP2C19^*3), age, gender, and heart failure on the pharmacokinetic parameters of metoprolol. The CL/F value in patients homozygous for the CYP2D6^*10 allele was 64% lower than that in patients with a CYP2D6^*1/^*1 or ^*1/^*2 genotype. The CL/F value in older (>70 years old) patients was 26% lower than that in younger (≤70 years old) patients. In addition, the V/F value in patients homozygous for the CYP2D6^*10 allele was 25% lower than that in patients with the CYP2D6^*1/^*1 or ^*1/^*2 genotype. On the other hand, the CYP2C19 genotype, gender, and heart failure showed no significant effects on the pharmacokinetics of metoprolol. The results suggest that the pharmacokinetic variability of metoprolol in Japanese extensive metabolizers of CYP2D6 is very large, probably because CYP2D6^*10 is responsible not only for the decreased systemic clearance (CL) but also for the increased bioavailability (F) of the drug.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2004-10-01
NOZAWA Takashi
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Toyama
INOUE Hiroshi
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Toyama
Nozawa Takashi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Toyama
Miwa Kunihisa
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Miwa Kunihisa
Fukuda General Hospital
Inoue Hiroshi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Toyama
Inoue Hiroki
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Miwa Kunihisa
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univers
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Unive
TAHARA Katsutoshi
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Miwa Kunihisa
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Taguchi Masato
Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences Univ. Of Toyama
Hashimoto Yukiya
Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences Univ. Of Toyama
Takesono Chihiro
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Hashimoto Y
Institute Of Molecular & Cellular Biosciences The University Of Tokyo
Mizumaki Kouichi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univers
Tahara Katsutoshi
Graduate School Of Medicine And Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Toyama
Mizumaki Kouichi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
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