柑橘園昆虫群集の種間関係 : 柑橘園昆虫群集の生態学的研究第 5 報
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In this paper, the interspecific relations in the insect community of Tachibana citrus grove near Fukuoka were discussed to make clear a part of the principle organizing this community. The favourable habitat of each species in the community differed delicately from each other, therefore the repulsive interspecific relations were not observed among these species. But the slight exceptional cases were observed between several species having a similar life-cycle, i.e., three Aphids, Aphids and citrus leaf miner. Spacial structure of the community showing these facts seemed to be constructed independently by each species. Food relations in this community were shown in Figs. 1, 2. Predators of three injurious species, Unaspis yanonensis, Panonychus citri and Aphis citricidus, were found in large numbers. The most important predators were Saula japonica, Scymnus hareja, Telsimia nigra, Chilocorus kuwanae. These relations governed a part of functional structure in the community. The community in question with spacial and functional structures may be expressed by the fluctuation of population of each species in the phenomenal phase of community as a whole. The factors influencing the fluctuation of each population in this community were summarized as follows : 1) the conditions of weather and host plant, for examples certain periods in the life-cycle of Panonychus citri, three Aphids and other many species, 2) the predators, for examples certain periods in the lifecycle of Unaspis yanonensis, and Panonychus citri, 3) the interspecific competition, for examples relations among three Aphids, and between Aphids and citrus leaf miner.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1964-11-20
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