18・8 ステンレス鋼溶接部の高温強度について
- 論文の詳細を見る
An investigation was made to examine mechanical properties of welded type 304 stainless steel at elevated temperatures. The stainless steel plate 14mm in thickness was welded with inert-gas arc-welding, without pre-heating. Three different kinds of filler metals, 3.2mm in diameter, were used and their chemical composition and the mechanical properties are shown in Table 1. Fatigue and tensile test specimens were machined from the welded joint so as to get the weld metal at mid portion of the specimens, as shown in Fig. 2. V-notch Charpy impact specimen was also made from the welded joint. A rotating beam fatigue test, running 3,400rpm, was carried out at 650℃, while the tensile test, hardness test and impact test were carried out at temperature ranging between 350℃ and 750℃. The highest fatigue strength was observed for the specimen welded with Fox 16/13 Co metal. The specimen failed consistently at base metal and the endurance limit is about the same value as that of the base metal. The specimens welded with either NC-36L or NC-38 metal showed lower endurance limit than that of the base metal and failed always at weld metal. (See Fig. 3) The highest fatigue resistance observed in the specimen welded with Fox 16/13 Co may be attributed to the strain induced precipitation of niobium carbide at plastically strained region. This was also verified by the fact that the most remarkable coaxing effect in fatigue was observed in this specimen, as shown in Fig. 6. While the fatigue strength of the welded specimens was markedly decreased by solution heat treatment at 1100℃ for 1hr after welding, little change was observed in the fatigue strength after stress relief heat treatment at 870℃ for 2hr. (See Fig. 5) Tensile test was carried out at temperatures from 600℃ to 700℃ and failure of the specimens occured at or near the weld metal. The proof stress was increased by welding. The endurance limit observed at 650℃ was rather higher than the proof stress measured at the same temperature. A fairly low impact value was obtained on the weld metal and also at the heat affected zone, comparing with higher toughness of the base metal. (See Fig. 8) The impact value of weld metals increases with increasing test temperature up to about 600℃, while a sharp drop is observed at around 650℃ in each specimen. In the specimens welded with NC-36L or NC-38,the impact value increased rapidly with increasing temperature after reached their minimum at around 650℃. This minimum is attributed mainly to the precipitation of chromium carbide. (See Fig. 9) On the other hand, NbC can precipitate fairly rapidly only at high temperature of the order of 950℃ so that there is no recovery appeared in the impact value but further decrease with increasing temperature was observed in the specimen welded with Fox 16/13 Co metal. An about 5mm wide hardened zone was observed both sides of the bead. From the result of the present investigation, it may be possible to conclude that the mechanical properties of welded portion of austenitic steel at elevated temperature is much affected by their micro-and macro-structure, especially by the carbides precipitation.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1965-11-25
- 18-8系ステンレス鋼の切欠クリープ破断強度について
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- 低温焼入による鋼の材質の変化について : (第5報)鋼の時効硬化能と疲れ強さ
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- 131 2相ステンレス鋼の低サイクル疲労に関する研究(低サイクル疲労・画像処理)
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- 201 2相混合ステンレス鋼の引張特性に関するX線的研究(X線・波の伝ぱ)
- 345 2相ステンレス鋼の強度に及ぼす773K時効の影響(劣化と強度)
- 111 2相ステンレス鋼の変形挙動および加工材の疲労強度特性(残留応力場の疲労き裂)
- 475 2 相ステンレス鋼の低温引張特性(ステンレス鋼, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 100 回(秋季)講演大会)
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- 233 SUS304 ステンレス鋼の 500℃ におけるクリープ疲労相互作用下の破壊挙動に関する研究
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- 18・8 ステンレス鋼溶接部の高温強度について
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- 軟鋼の応力時効に就いて
- 引張塑性変形による軟鋼の磁性の変化について
- 軟鋼の磁性に及ぼす応力の影響
- 塑性変形を与えた軟鋼の磁性におよぼす加熱の影響(3)-極軟鋼に対する実験結果-
- 軟鋼の磁性に及ぼす加工並びに焼鈍の影響
- 軟鋼の磁性に及ぼす應力の影響
- 超高炭素クロム鋼のすべり摩耗特性
- 222 炭素鋼の電子ビーム熱処理特性について
- 1-35 無電解メッキ材の疲れ強さ
- 超高周波による鋼の表面焼入れ
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- 軟鋼の応力下におけるひずみ時効について
- 17-7PHステンレス鋼のサブゼロ加工による強度変化について
- 446 超高炭素鋼の摩耗特性(工具鋼・摩耗・レール・マルエージ鋼・非磁性鋼・低温用鋼, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会第 103 回(春季)講演大会)
- 237 SUS301L型鋼の引張および疲労強度(破壊)
- 射出成形したジルコニア/アルミナ複合セラミックスの機械的性質
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- 軟鋼の低温焼入に関する研究
- 無電解Ni-Pめっき材の腐食疲労強度 (非晶質めっき)
- 1-21 無電解ニッケルメッキ材の疲労強度 : (浴組成の影響)
- 1-34 鉄鋼の疲労強度におよぼすニッケルメッキの影響 : 透過電子顕微鏡による疲労組織観察
- 無電解ニッケルめっきした鋼の疲労強度に及ぼすめっき膜のリン含有量の影響
- (78) オーステナイト系不銹鋼溶接部のクリープ破断強度
- 西播磨テクノポリス・播磨科学公園都市(プロジェクト・レポート)(支部だより)
- ステンレス鋼の熱処理
- Ni75Si8B17およびCo75Si10B15アモルファス合金の疲労強度特性
- 鉄鋼の疲労強度に及ぼすNiメッキの影響 (拡散処理を施した場合)
- 1-13 鉄鋼の疲労強度におよぼす Ni メッキの影響 : 拡散処理を施した場合
- SiCウィスカーAl基複合材料の疲労強度
- Al2O3繊維強化Ni3Al複合材料の作製 (ニュ-コンポジット材料)
- SiCウィスカ-強化6061Al複合材料の強度特性に及ぼすAl合金粉末粒径の影響