軟岩の膨潤・スレーキング特性(その1) : 簡易試験による評価
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Some simple and rapid tests were tried out, which were the tests to get water absorption of rock fragments (WSL) and of the commuted and desiccated powder of the same rock (WA). The extent of slaking (rapid disintegration of soft rock in process of water absorption) is observed during WSL-test. The extent of slaking is ranked in 5 grades (A〜E) in observation and closely related to the following index of slaking (ISL). ISL=(WSL-WSAT)/(WA-WSAT) WSAT means saturated moisture content of intact rock before slaking or swelling. The maximum swelling strain (or expantion :ΔV/V_0) or pressure (PSW) is sufficiently estimated from the values of WA and γ_d (dry density) or WSAT which are able to measure simply. WA represents the latent possibility of expantion of the constituent particles upon removal of the cementation of rock fragments regardless of the clay mineral composition. The maximum value of ΔV/V_0 in an intact rock is corresponded to the ΔV/V_0 of the artificially compacted rock after commuting, and the ΔV/V_0 of the intact rock in any drying and wetting process can be estimated from this maximum ΔV/V_0 multiplied by the ISL. ΔV/V_0 -WA-γ_d diagram and the photographs illustrating the typical features of slaking in each grade are prepared in this paper to estimate ΔV/V_0 and ISL easily.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
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