- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiments were performed to investigate the effect of the length of photoperiods on testicular maturation and body weight gain of Jpanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) during their early life (Exp. I, 1-8 and Exp. I, 9-12). The modification of testicular growth under 8-hour daily photoperiods by the insertion of a light period of 32 hours or more was also investigated (Exp. II and Exp. III). Birds were reared at a temperature of 26°±1℃ and illuminated by day-light fluorescent tubes which gave a light intensity of 500-1,000 lux on the floor of aviaries. In Experiments I, 1-8 and II, 250 birds were kept under constant light (24L) during the first two weeks of life. Ten birds among them were sacrificed at the end of this period to examine their testes, and the remainders were divided into two groups: one group subjected to 8-hour daily photoperiods (8L) and the other to 16-hour daily photoperiods (16L). In Experiments I, 9-12 and III, quails of 25 days of age, which had been reared under long daily photoperiods untill this time, were divided into two groups and kept under 8L and 24L, respectively. Most birds subjected to 16L produced spermatozoa within the first 40 days of life, and the testes of all birds reached maximum weight at 55 days of age. The retardation of maturation occurred in the 8L-birds as compared with 16L-birds; the growth of testes started at about 70 days of age, and only half of the birds showed full maturation even at an age of 128 days. In Exp. I, 8, each quail of 8L and 16L was transferred to separate cages at 34 days after hatching, and the increase of he body weight was traced thereafter. The avarage gain in weight of 8L-birds was not significantly different from that of 16L-birds untill 44 days after hatching. Although the body weight of 8L-birds kept on increasing afterwards, that of 16L-birds remained almost constant until 58 days of age and thereafter increased rapidly. On the 106th day of age, no significant differences were found between the body weight of 8L-birds and that of 16L-birds. The results suggested the existence of some relationships between the increase in body weight and the maturation of the testes. In Exp. II and III, a light period of 32 hours or more was inserted into the cycle of 8 hour light-16 hour darkness. 8L-birds of Exp. IIa and IIb received 56- and 32-hour light periods respectively at 55 days of age, and the testes were examined at 12 days after the end of the inserted light period. In Exp. III, 8L-birds of 53 days of age were treated with two light periods: a 8-hour dark period wa put between a 20-hour light period and a 48-hour light period. Such treatment of birds with the photoperiod insertion was found to evoke testicular growth, while the testes of untreated birds scarcely grew under 8L-conditions (8L-birds, Exp. I, 4-5 and Exp. I, 11-12). The degree of testicular growth tended to increase with the length of the inserted light period. These results indicate that a rhythm composed of light and dark periods may play an important role in the testicular development of Japanese quails.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1965-02-15
- ウニ卵初期発生の放射線生物学的研究 : "光回復性"からみた卵割期と嚢胚期の比較(発生学)
- ウニ卵初期発生の放射線生物学的研究 : UV照射精子による形態異常とその光回復(発生学)
- 綜合討論(生理学・生化学)
- 綜合討論(生化学・生理)
- 綜合討論(生化学・生理)
- コウジ酸添加によるカイコの眠性変化の特異性(発生学)
- 29p-PS-50 SDWと超伝導転移
- 大豆中区分のカイコ成長促進因子(内分泌・生化学)
- 光条件からみたウズラ生殖腺発育に関与する外因と内因について(生理)
- アゲハチョウの非休眠蛹決定におけるAction Spectrum
- 生長期におけるウズラの精巣発育と光周期
- 光による酵素作用の活性化(生理・生化学)
- 顕微分光光度計を用いたゴモリ陽性物質の定量法(生理・生化学)
- カイコの幼虫脱皮を促進するアセチルコリン(生化学・追加講演)
- アゲハ幼虫の脳中にみられる色素粒について(生化学・追加講演)
- ウズラの生殖腺発育に及ぼす光のaction spectrum(生理・生化学)
- ニワトリの血液中にみられるnatural aggulutinin(実験形態・発生)
- 綜合討論(生化学・生理)
- 昆虫の体液におけるSH基(生化学・生理)
- 鱗翅目の変態に関する生化学的研究II. : カイコの変態時におけるSH基およびB_1の消長(分類・生態・生理)
- 鱗翅目の後期発生に関する生化学的研究(I) : エリ蚕体液のメラニン生成に及ぼすSH-reagentsの影響(生化学)
- 綜合討論(発生学・実験形態学)
- アゲハチョウの蛹体色と休眠の関連性(発生学・実験形態学)
- 綜合討論(遺伝学・発生学・実験形態学)
- 23. Abrikosovのs-d模型に対するpseudo-fermion法へのcomment(基研短期研究会「重い電子系の理論」報告,研究会報告)
- 16. 周期的s-d模型における超伝導(基研短期研究会「重い電子系の理論」報告,研究会報告)
- 27p-QB-6 S-dモデルのpseudo-fermion法
- 周期的s-dモデル(Anderson Modelの厳密解とその応用に関する理論的研究,科研費研究会報告)
- 1a-B-7 周期的s-dモデルの強結合極限
- ウズラ生殖腺の光周反応における松果体の光受容機能(生理・内分泌)
- ニワトリ胚の卵殻外培養 : その手法と外部形態の記述(発生学)
- イオン交換樹脂を利用するニコチン酸アミドの螢光定量法
- 家蚕変態期におけるニコチン酸代謝
- ズートロンに期待するもの
- りんし目こん虫の変態時の体液にみられるSH基
- 6.周期的s-dハミルトニアンの強結合展開(京都大学理学部物理学第一教室,修士論文アブストラクト(1984年度))
- カイコ脳神経細胞にみられる新しい型のミトコンドリアについて
- 昆虫の変態ホルモンはウズラの換羽をも促進する(内分泌・生化学)
- ウズラの精巣発育と血中テストステロン濃度(内分泌学)
- ウズラの産卵時刻の概日リズム:摂食時間の制限と絶食の影響(生理学)
- ウズラの産卵時刻に影響を与える環境要因について(内分泌学)
- ウズラの産卵時刻にみられるサーカディアン・リズム(内分泌学)
- ウズラ精巣の放射線感受性とその回復過程(遺伝・発生・細胞)
- 種々の条件下におけるウズラ正中隆起部神経分泌物の変動
- 鳥類の精巣発育と視床下部・下垂体神経分泌系I. : 顕微測光による正中隆起部神経分泌物の定量化
- ウズラ網膜内油滴の発生学的研究
- ウズラの精巣発育と光週期(生理・生化学)
- ウズラ網膜内油滴の発生過程における変化(生理)