- 論文の詳細を見る
In the marine isopod, Rocinela maculata, neurosecretory cells in the supraesophageal ganglia were studied histologically. Two kinds of neurosecretory cells of different sizes are distinguishable. Four of five neurosecretory cells on each side of the posterior region of the protocerebrum are larger ones. The cells contain in the perikaryon conspicuous granules stainable with paraldehyde fuchsin (Fig. 2). Smaller cells are distributed in groups along the median groove of the protocerebrum (Fig. 3). They resemble E-cells found in the ganglia of brachyuran decapods (Matsumoto, 1958). Some of these cells send their axons to the Bellonci's organ. The sinus gland lies beneath each compound eye (Fig. 4). It is well developed as compared with the sinus gland of other marine isopods such as Tecticeps, Sphaeroma and Cymodoce. The Bellonci's organ, another neurohaemal organ in isopods, is situated above the protocerebrum, being connected with the optic peduncle by a nerve bundle originating in the above-mentioned neurosecretory cells resembling E-cells. It is a sac-like organ composed of a layer of epithelial cells surrounding a cavity filled with a colloidal substance. Vacuoles and granules are found in the epithelial cells (Fig. 5). The position of the Belloni's organ seems to be unique in Aegidae, since the organ is located above the supraesophageal ganglia in Aegidae, while it is situated under the supraesophageal ganglia in all other isopods so far studied.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1964-10-15
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