Characteristics of Optical Propagation through Rain for Infrared Space Communications
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The characteristics of 155 Mbps optical propagation through atmosphere at the wavelengths of 0.78 and 1.55 μm over a 72 m range were measured. Two propagation characteristics were compared to examine the wavelength dependence on the rain rate and the aperture size of a receiver. An enhanced intensity exceeding the signal level measured in the absence of rain was observed at both wavelengths during 7.2 mm/h rain. The resultant bit error rate is shown to be dominated mainly by the rain-induced scintillation rather than the attenuation.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2003-02-01
Communications Research Laboratory
Wakamori Kazuhiko
Hamamatsu Photonics K.k.
Ito S
Body Engineering Development Department 1 Tochigi R & D Center Honda R & D Co. Ltd.
Akiba Makoto
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Hiromoto Norihisa
Communications Research Laboratory Kansai Advanced Research Center
WATABE Ken-ichi
National Metrology Institute of Japan,AIST
AKIBA Makoto
Communications Research Laboratory
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
TAKABE Yoshiyuki
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
Faculty of Engineering, Toyo University
ITO Shigeo
Faculty of Engineering, Toyo University
Chigai Yoichi
Faculty Of Engineering Toyo University
Watabe Ken-ichi
National Metology Institute Of Japan
Watabe Ken-ichi
National Metrology Institute Of Japan Aist
Ito Shigeo
Faculty Of Engineering Toyo University
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