調理特性の異なるじゃがいも(Solanum tuberosum)の非澱粉性多糖の構造(第2報) : 熱水およびシュウ酸アンモニウム可溶性多糖について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The structures of pectic polysaccharides, hot water-soluble and 0.5% ammonium oxalate-soluble polysaccharides, of two kinds of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), which have different cooking properties, were compared. Carbohydrate composition of hot water-soluble polysaccharides of Danshaku consisted of mannose, galactose, glucose and uronic acid with a small proportion of rhamnose, and that of May Queen mostly consisted of glucose and galactose with a small proportion of rhamnose, mannose and uronic acid. Methylation analyses and Smith degradation studies showed that hot water-soluble polysaccharides of Danshaku consisted of 1⟶4 and 1⟶3 linked glucose, 1⟶4 linked mannose, and 1⟶4 linked galactose resjdues, and that of May Queen consisted of 1⟶4 and 1⟶6 linked glucose and 1⟶6 and 1⟶3 linked galactose residues. Ammonium oxalate-soluble polysaccharides of these two kinds of potatoes mostly consisted ofα1⟶4 linked galacturonic acid residues. But the acetyl and methyl ester contents were more abundant in the polysaccharide of Danshaku than in May Queen. The solution of ammonium oxalate-soluble polysaccharide of May Queen showed higher viscosity than that of Danshaku.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-04-15
- 低タンパク小麦粉を用いたクッキ-の特性
- MCTおよび粉アメ添加寒天ゲルの特性
- 60%粉アメ添加寒天ゲルの低温保存に伴う物性の変化
- MCT添加寒天ゲルの特性
- 調理特性の異なるいがいも(Solanumtuberosum)の非澱粉性多糖の構造(第3報) : アルカリ可溶およびアルカリ不溶性多糖について
- 調理特性の異なるじゃがいも(Solanum tuberosum)の非澱粉性多糖の構造(第2報) : 熱水およびシュウ酸アンモニウム可溶性多糖について
- 調理特性の異なるじゃがいも(Solanum tuberosum)の非澱粉性多糖の構造-1-水可溶性多糖について
- サトイモ (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) の球茎形成肥大に伴う非澱粉性多糖の変化
- いも類のデンプンの消化性に及ぼすその細胞壁の影響 : in vitroでの検討
- 3Ba11 サトイモ(Colocasia esculenta(L.) Schott)の球茎形成肥大に伴う熱水司溶性多糖の変化