- 論文の詳細を見る
The characteristics of nasalization reported in the preceding paper by the present authors have been further studied for the case of nasalized vowels with blocked nasal channel, in relation with the charateristics of nasal consonants. The features (1) and (3) are commonly found also at the retention of nasal consonants. The feature (3) which, in this case, is affected by the antiresonance of the oral cavity as a converse effect of (2) in the case of nasalized vowels, carries information about the tongue position, giving distinction of the sound from other nasals, when only the retention is heard. The discontinuous transition from the sound of the retention of the nasal to the following vowel, as usually seen on the sonagram of a syllable e. g. /ma/, is ascribed to the essential difference of the mechanism of formation of the two sounds, and the impression of"plosion"in the glide from the nasal to the vowel is presumably due rather to this abrupt change of timbre, than to the plosion.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1956-12-30
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