- 論文の詳細を見る
The East Off Chiba Prefecture Earth quake (M6.7) on December 17, 1987 was located at 35°22'N, 140゜30'E, about 10 km off the east coast of Chiba Prefecture with focal depth of 58 km. The intensity of ground motions V on JMA scale was recorded at Chiba, Chosi and Katsuura, Chiba Prefecture, Central Japan. The earthquake, indentified as an interplate earthquake of the Philippine Sea plate, was accompanied by the after shock activity which propagated at from the depth of 55 km near the lower surface of the plate to the depth of 25 km near the upper surface of the plate. The right-lateral strike slip fault of the earthquake cut across the northeastern edge of the Philippine Sea plate in the NNW-SSE direction. The Eastern Part of Tokyo Earthquake on March 18, 1988 (M6.5) occurred on the plate boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and the Pacific plate. The coincidental occurrence of the two major earthquakes in the southern part of the Kanto district was interpreted as caused by a mechanical coupling between the two plates beneath the district. The 1987 East Off Chiba Prefecture Earth quake was preceded by the long continued earthquakes warms off the coast of Kujyukuri, Chiba Prefecture since 1971 as a possible precursory activity accosiated with a stress concentration at the fault area of the earthquake.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1990-12-01
- Depth Phase を使った1990年9月の東海道はるか沖での地震(M6.6)と1991年9月の三宅島近海での地震(M6.3)の深さの推定
- 47A. 飛騨山脈下を伝わる地震波の異常な減衰とその原因(日本火山学会 1985 年度春季大会講演要旨)
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- 地震と予知情報
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- 微小地震の震央分布と発震機構にもとづく断層系の推定
- 1973年紀伊水道近傍での臨時観測(序報)
- 紀伊半島北西部地域における微小地震分布から推定される地震断層系についての予備的研究
- 水準測量により検出された地殻変動
- 和達ダイヤグラムによる微小地震走時データの評価
- 千葉県東方沖地震の概要
- PS変換波から推定された関東地方下の太平洋プレート上面について
- 10 地震活動とクラスタルダイナミクス
- 長野市街地における善光寺地震断層の水準測量
- 地球の音響診断 (<小特集>音響診断)
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