Lyssa (Tollwurm) に関する研究(トラ)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A histological study on the lyssa of a Sumatra tiger (male, estimating 10 old) led to the following summaries. 1) The tiger's lyssa is situated in the septum linguae, under the mucosa covering the lower surface of the tongue in the anterior part, under M. transversus linguae in the posterior part, its slender roundworm-like form being extended from the apex linguae to the vicinity of the fusing point of the frenulum linguae as well as other animal. It is about 5.5cm in length, 3.3mm in dorso-ventral thickness at the centoral part. 2) The matrix of the body was covered with a sheath of dense connective tissue, but its structure varied according to the longitudinal positions. a) The anterior part was composed mainly of chondroid tissue and basophile connective tissue being rich with cell (Fig. 1, 2) b) The central part was composed of basophile connective tissue and adipose tissue (Fig. 3, 4, 5) c) The posterior part resembles to the central part, but the matrix was divided into the basophilic connective tissue part and adipose tissue part by dense connective sheath. (Fig. 6, 7) At the posterior ending, however, its the former becames tapering away in the connective tissue of the septum linguae being lost basophile ability.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
河島 裕
田島 収
河島 裕
島村 昭辰
右田 昌秀
楊 錫華
楊 錫華
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