- 論文の詳細を見る
A survey of the mottled teeth incidence in 4 hot spring resorts in Akita Prefecture (Ohtaki, Yuze, Ohyu and Akinomiya) has been conducted on a total of 2821 grade school children of both sexes ranging in age from 6 to 15. Fluoride contents in the drinking water from various surces have been also determined. The results were summarized as follows. 1) The incidence of the mottled teeth in the whole subjects amounted to approximately 7%, and among the regional groups the one in Yuze district showed the maximum rate with approximately 17%, and the one in Akinomiya district showed the minimum with 3%. 2) Severity rate of mottled teeth : M_1 was most frequent, followed by M_2, and M_3 was rarely met throughout entire regional groups. 3) The fluoride contents as measured on the samples of drinking water from domestic wells and field springs were respectively 1.0 ppm in Ohyu, 0.7 to 1.0 ppm in Yuze, 0.5 ppm in Ohtaki and 0.2 to 0.3 ppm in Akinomiya. 4) In view of the large value measured of Ohyu region which surpassed the established limit of human fluoride tolerance, urgent action toward elimination of fluoride from the drinking water was recommended.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
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