Reflections on Reflection in object-Oriented Programming
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Reflective architecture has been found quite useful in object-oriented programming, which is followed by several works. All of them have introduced a special meta link among objects to make their language reflective. Messages sent to a base level object are implicitly considered as events at meta level objects, which interpret the messages for the sake of the base level object. Meta objects are connected with their accompanying base level objects via meta of links. ObjVLisp and CLOS regard class of as meta of link, while ABCL/R has mcteof link solely for implementing reflective architec ture.3-KRS has both of the links, and Ferber discusses bow the two links play different roles in a class-based reflective system. One drawback with the above approaches is that the language becomes complicated because of the semantics of meta links.The notion of reflection in our model is different from all the above, and is similar to Scheme-based computational reflection. Our system has no special meta of link. Instead base level status can be manipulated explicitly by two reflection primitives reify and reflect. It is also shown that these two primitives are introduced into the base language systematically and more importantly in a formal manner. Therefore, our system has clear mea1ing of reflection and it is easy to enhance the theory relativity of reflection in our model.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1992-02-24
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- Reflections on Reflection in object-Oriented Programming
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