The Worldwide Multilingual Computing(3) : An Implementation of the Multilingual I/O TM/C System and Waseda X11
- 論文の詳細を見る
There were many trials of limited multilingual I/O and localization but they did not give enough focus on characters. Thus, the definitions and roles of essential informations and functions could not be defined clearly. The first multilingual research based on all characters in the world was started at Waseda University and the essential informations and the functions for multilingual computing were discovered. And the Meta Converter System [3] and the basic components for the multilingual computing were developed. By using the results, i.e., Multilingual I/O TM/C System, Locale related functions and X Window System were re-implemented as WASEDA MLCE. The X Waseda Window System (WX) re implemented contains Multilingual OM, IM, Xlib and Xaw. WX can draw words from left to right, right to left, top to bottom and bottom to top, keeping correct character writing direction (Fig. 1). And all widgets can process such multilingual strings correctly. This multiple directional drawing functions pointed weakness of specifications of X Window System of both R5 and R6. The re-implementations ensure backward compatibilities. But the re-implementations also revealed insufficiencies of specifications of C and OS.
- 社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1995-09-20
上園 一知
丸山 健二
山西 正一郎
上園 一知
片岡 朋子
大黒谷 秀次郎
大矢 俊夫
田中 忠雄
片岡 裕
小原 啓義
片岡 朋子
大矢 俊夫
大黒谷 秀治郎
小原 啓義
片岡 裕
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