- 論文の詳細を見る
Aspergillus oryzae was grown 24-96 hours at 30℃ in a synthetic medium, containing no vitamins, by surface and shaking culture. The yield of mycelium by surface culture was higher than that by shaking culture, while the thiamine content of the mycelium was slightly higher in the latter. The carboxylase activity was observed in both cases. Addition of thiamine to the medium caused retardation of growth in surface culture, whereas accerelation in shaking culture. In both cases the vitamin increased not only in free form but also in bound form and their carboxylase activity was raised. In shaking culture, pH of the medium rapidly increased from the initial pH 4.5 and after pH reached over 7 an oxidized form of thiamine was formed. In the extract of the mycelium grown in surface culture, it was recognized not only thiamine and cocarboxylase, but also two other related compounds, presumably, thiamine monophosphate and thiazole moiety of thiamine by bioautography with Lactobacillus fermenti.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
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