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In view of recent progresses in the separation and purification of flavin compounds from various organisms and of discoveries of new flavin compounds, the existence of flavin compound such as flavinhypoxanthinedinucleotide (FHD) seems to be not impossible. The chemical preparation of FHD was achieved by the deamination of FAD using HNO_2. There was little difference in the physicochemical properties between FHD and FAD except their absorption spectra in which the shoulder build at 250-255 mμ was specific for FHD. The biological activity of FHD was examined with D-amino acid oxidase, but no remarkable activity was found. The enzymatic deamination of FAD by adenosine deaminase prepared from takadiastase was examined spectrophotometrically, and FHD was demonstrated from the reaction mixture on the paper chromatography.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
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- アルコール性肝障害に及ぼす性差の影響
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- 慢性肝炎(活動型)に対する治療効果判定に関する基礎的検討
- γ-GTP活性による肝細胞癌の酵素組織化学的分類 : 形態像及び血清γ-GTP値との比較検討を含めて
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- Interferon therapy on chronic hepatitis: Its anti-viral efficacy evaluated by lymphocytic 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase.
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