高温性繊維素醗酵に就いて (V) : 繊維質の醗酵化學的研究, 第7報
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Our experiments were made with the culture of constant cellulose-fermenting power which had only two different types of organisms, type A and B. The end products of thermophilic cellulose fermentation were identified by chemical methods and simultaneously by paper partition chromatography.The fermentation products of cellulose were : ethyl alcohol, formic acid, acetic acid, carbon dioxide, hydrogen (these were detected remarkably), acetaldehyde, lactic acid, methyl alcohol, tartaric acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, gluconic acid, glucose, cellobiose and higher polysaccharides. Among these substances, methyl alcohol, tartaric acid, fumaric acid, malic acid, succinic acid and gluconic acid have never been reported in former literatures. And saccharides that were hitherto in usual fermentation merely understood as reducing sugar, were by our investigation separated into glucose, cellobiose and higher polysaccharides.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1951-11-15
- 高温性繊維素醗酵に就いて (III) : (繊維質の醗酵化學的研究第5報)
- 蕈菌々糸のSubmerged Culture
- 高温性繊維素醗酵菌の Growth factor に就て : 繊維質の醗酵化學的研究 (第11報)
- 高温性細菌に依る各種繊維素物質の醗酵 : 繊維質の醗酵化學的研究 (第10報)
- 高慍性細菌に依る纎維素の崩壊様式に就いて
- Trichoderma koningiに依る纎維素分解 (第1報)
- 高温性纎維素醗酵について (VI) : 纎維質の醗酵化學的研究, 第8報
- 高温性繊維素醗酵に就いて (V) : 繊維質の醗酵化學的研究, 第7報
- 高慍性纎維素醗酵に就いて(IV) : 繊維質の醗酵化学的研究, 第6報
- Asp. nigerに依るラミーの精練