- 論文の詳細を見る
A system for creativity support "Chie-no-izumi" is presented. Implementing a model of creation based on analogical reasoning, Chie-no-izumi gives users some new concepts which are hints to novel ideas. The framework of analogical reasoning which is employed is "paraphrasing-based analogical reasoning (PA)". 0ne Concept, which is defined in the knowledge base, may be used to define the other concepts. PA generates new concepts by analogically reasoning on such a hierarchic structure of concepts. Domain division, which is postponed in past studies of analogical reasoning, plays an important role in PA. PA can derive several results of analogical reasoning from one knowledge base through different domain divisions. The prototype system for Chie-no-izumi has an interface to natural language (Japanese) inputs, does domain division for analogical reasoning, and graphically exhibits the process of analogical reasoning. Utilizing the information obtained from kana-kanji conversion, the prototype easily parses several kinds of sentences. Introducing heuristics to select external tokens, domain division is automated. Employing not only visual but also audio aides, a user can understand the process of analogical reasoning without difficulty. This paper describes what the model of creation is, how the prototype system works, and how it supports human creativity in planning new products.
- 社団法人人工知能学会の論文
- 1994-03-01
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- 鈴木宏昭 (著), 類似と思考, 共立出版 (株), 162p, 2472円 (本体2400円), ISBN4-320-02851-1
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