時計用ステップモータ動作のシミュレーション (1988年秋季講演会発表)
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With regard to the motion of the micro stepping motor for watch, the stator parameters which represent the stator characteristics are introduced in this paper. These parameters on a sample motor are determined by the computer simulation referred to various experimental results on the motor. Stepping behavior of the motor with the sample stator for various cases of pulse height e, pulse width τ, number of coil winding n, and radius of rotor magnet ρ are easily obtained by the simulation by use of the above-mentioned stator parameters. They are shown in maps of e - τ, n - τ, and ρ - τ, in which the domains of normal and abnormal stepping motion and the graph of average current consumed in the motor are described. These maps are available for determination of optimum values of τ, n, and ρ from the points of view of the stability of stepping motion and the low consumption energy in case of motor design. As examples, the cases of e = 1.5 v and 3.0 v are treated in this paper.
- 社団法人日本時計学会の論文
- 1989-03-20
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- W形音片