- 論文の詳細を見る
Novel anticancer drugs, platinum compound nedaplatin (CDGP) and 5-fluorouracil agent (TS-1), were applied to an oral squamous cell carcinoma patient having tumor located in right buccal mucosa. The tumor was 20 × 30 mm in size. Chemotherapy composed of CDGP 90 mg/m^2 (day 3) and TS-1 100 mg/body (day 1-5), and simultaneous radiation given by 1.8 Gy/day (day 1-5) was carried out. While the effect of this therapy was no change, trismus caused by tumor invasion was obviously ameliorated that had hampered QOL. The side effects were relatively severe : leukocytopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anorexia were grade 3 ; nausea, taste disturbance, and stomatisis were grade 2 ; vomiting was grade 1. The results of this study suggest that this therapy improved the patient's QOL despite severe side effects and is worth evaluating in further accumulated patients.
- 山口大学医学会の論文
- 2002-04-30
岡藤 正樹
伊田 正道
伊田 正道
山口大学 医学部歯科口腔外科学講座
伊田 正道
石原 亮尚
福田 和彦
満岡 宏治
満岡 宏治
岡藤 正樹
伊田 正道
- 抜歯および抜歯原因に関する調査
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- 上顎前歯部過剰歯の臨床的検討
- 口蓋裂を伴った Kabuki Make-up Syndrome の1例
- 乳児の咽頭部に発生した先天性粘液貯留嚢胞の1例
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- 皮膚割線, 並びに Biostereometric Analysis を応用した頬部腫瘤摘出法のための一試案
- 外傷性骨嚢胞, 単純性骨嚢胞の三症例
- 星状神経節ブロックが奏効した下顎枝垂直骨切り術後の顔面神経麻痺の1例
- NO.2 集中治療部口腔ケア回診を通して診られた患者の口腔環境問題点(一般演題,講演抄録,第109回山口大学医学会学術講演会)
- CDGP/TS-1による化学療法と放射線治療の同時併用を試みた口腔癌の1例
- 5.抗癌剤オンコネースとセファランチンの併用効果の検討(一般講演)
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- Computed tomographic (CT) lymphography による口腔癌センチネルリンパ節の同定法
- 1.顎矯正手術で使用した吸収性プレートに対して遅発性異物反応が見られた1例(一般演題)(第44回山口形成外科研究会)
- 1.下顎骨骨折術後のインプラント治療と問題点(第39回山口形成外科研究会)
- NO.17 外傷による歯牙欠損に対するインプラント治療(【一般演題抄録】)
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- 13歳男児にみられた石灰化歯原性嚢胞の1例
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- 石灰化歯原性嚢胞の1例とその文献的考察
- A case of hyponatremia associated with incurable mandibular osteomyelitis.
- 高齢女性の上顎にみられたエナメル上皮腫の1例
- A large follicular cyst in an older patient was found on the occasion of an accidental fracture of the mandible.
- Relationship between flow cytometric DNA analysis and lymph node metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral and maxollofacial region.
- A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma which resulted in local recurrence and brain metastasis 13 years later.
- A case of cheek hemangiopericytoma with the application of plastic surgery.
- p53癌抑制遺伝子関連抗原と増殖細胞核抗原 (PCNA) の免疫組織学的発現とDNA aneuploidy との関連性について
- 悪性唾液腺腫瘍におけるp53蛋白の免疫組織化学的発現と病理組織学的因子との関連性について
- Flow cytometric analysis of nuclear DNA content in oral lesions.
- Characterization of a new cell line(KM-4) established from metastatic small cell carcinoma of the oral region. Transformation to squamous cell carcinoma.:Transformation to squamous cell caminoma
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- Chromosome 17 aberration of verrucous carcinoma detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH).
- HBs antigen in the saliva, urine and its alteration throughout the day in HBs antigen carrier patients.
- A case of xanthogranuloma occurred in submandibular region.
- Case report of the lateral cervical cyst originating on the upper cervical region.
- Two case reports of static bone cavity.
- 上顎洞内に発生したエナメル上皮線維歯牙腫の1例
- 顎下型ガマ腫の2症例
- A case of pemphigus vulgaris having incipient symptoms of an incurable ulcer of the oral cavity.
- A case of true aneurysm on facial artery.
- 巨大な口底部類表皮嚢胞の1症例
- Clinical treatment of Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy to head and neck cancer using cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum as the main anti-cancer agent.
- 肺から転移したと思われる下顎歯肉小細胞癌の1例
- The immunological parameters in the patient with malignant tumor of head and neck region.