改良型k-ε乱流モデルを使用した遷移境界層の数値解析 : 第2報 : 実用問題への適用性の検討
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In the fully turbulent region after transition, the low Reynolds number functions used in the different models are evaluated on the basis of comparison with the experimental data. Also, since the acceleration results in some important phenomeha like reduction in the Reynolds number and thickening of the sublayer, the model performance is tested by considering the transitional boundary layer data with favorable pressure gradient and heat transfer. Finally, the present model along with the other considered models are applied to predict the distribution of external heat transfer on the gas turbine rotor and stator blade for two different inlet Reynolds number conditions in each blade case, respectively. The comparison of experimental data with the predictions by present model and other considered models showed that the present modes produced the best overall agreement with the experimental distribution of heat transfer coefficient on the blade surface under different flow Reynolds number and free stream turbulence intensity conditions.
- 社団法人日本ガスタービン学会の論文
- 1992-09-10
福山 佳孝
(株)東芝 電力・産業システム技術開発センター
福山 佳孝
ビスワス デバシス
ビスワス デバシス
荒木 達雄
福山 佳孝
ビスワス デバシス
Biswas D
Toshiba Corp. Kawasaki Jpn
福山 佳孝
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