A Genetic Algorithm Based QoS Routing Method for Multimedia Communications Over High-Speed Networks(Special Issue on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Applications)
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In order to support multimedia communication over high speed networks, it is necessary to develop routing algorithms which use more than one QoS parameter. This is because new services such as video on demand and remote meeting systems require better QoS. However, the problem of QoS routing is difficult and to find a feasible route with two independent path constraints is NP-complete. Therefore, QoS routing algorithms for high speed networks must be adaptive, flexible, and intelligent for efficient network management. In a previous work, we proposed a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based routing method. This method used only the delay time as a routing parameter. In this paper, we improve the previous work in three aspects. The new QoS routing method uses two QoS parameters for routing. Also, we implemented a new tree generating algorithm which generates and reduces the tree automatically. Furthermore, we carried out the simulations for different kinds of networks. The simulation results show that the proposed method has a better performance than a conventional GA based routing algorithm and can find better routes by using two QoS parameters.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2003-03-15
Research Institute of Electrical Communication Graduate School of Information Science, Tohoku Univer
Barolli Leonard
Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Science
バロリ レオナルド
Shiratori Norio
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Graduate School Of Information Science Tohoku Univers
Koyama A
Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University
Koyama A
Fukuoka Inst. Technol. (fit) Fukuoka Jpn
Suganuma T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai‐shi Jpn
Suganuma Takuo
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Tohoku University
Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, Yamagata University
Barolli Leonard
福岡工大 情報工
Shiratori Norio
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Graduate School Of Information Sciences Tohoku Univer
Koyama Akio
Faculty Of Computer Science And Engineering The University Of Aizu
Koyama A
Division Of Blood Purification Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Barolli Leonard
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama Institute Of Technology(sit)
Shiratori Norio
Research Institute Of Electric Communications Tohoku University
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