キュウリ緑斑モザイクウイルス (スイカ系) に対するIgMおよびIgG特異抗体の産生様式
- 論文の詳細を見る
The relative activities of IgM and IgG antibodies against cucumber green mottle mosaic virus-watermelon strain (CGMMV-W) in rabbits were examined by complement fixation test at different stages during the course of immunization. The immunogen was administered at one week intervals by three different methods ; intramuscular injection with Freund's complete adjuvant, intravenous injection with PolyA・PolyU as adjuvant and intravenous injection without adjuvant. Regardless of the immunization methods used, the antibody activities of IgM and IgG fractions were almost the same, and/or the IgM antibodies were a little less on the third week after the first injection. Later on the fourth week, as the activity of IgG increased, that of IgM markedly declined or was not detected. These results thus suggest that early bleeding at 3 weeks after the first injection would produce relatively more specific IgM antibodies by intravenous injection, whereas late bleeding after hyperimmunization is better for the IgG antibodies against CGMMV-W.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1981-12-25
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- キュウリ緑斑モザイクウイルス (スイカ系) に対するIgMおよびIgG特異抗体の産生様式