- 論文の詳細を見る
An In_<1-x>GaAs (x=0.03) ternary compound semiconductor was grown on Earth using the horizontal and vertical Bridgman (HB and VB) methods. An attempt was made to grow the same semiconductor in a microgravity environment in a space laboratory. The aim was to explore the molten liquid convection and segregation phenomena, and to investigate the growth of ternary compound crystals with a uniform composition profile. The InGaAs crystal grown by the HB method on Earth had a segregation coefficient of 3.2, whereas the crystal grown in microgravity had a coefficient of 2.6. This result endorses Camel's prediction, providing that uniform concentration of Ga is not attainable for InGaAs compound, even in microgravity. It was revealed, however, that an InGaAs crystal with uniform Ga concentration profile could be grown with the VB method. The mechanism by which uniform Ga concentration is obtained using the VB method cannot explained with Camel's prediction.
- 日本結晶成長学会の論文
- 1994-09-25
松本 和久
藤原 伸介
藤原 伸介
龍見 雅美
荒木 高志
入倉 正登
松本 和久
村井 重夫
白川 二
龍見 雅美
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