1010 The first reliable record of Beremendia (Insectivora, Mammalia) in East Asia and a revision of Peisorex Kowalski and Li, 1963
- 論文の詳細を見る
Well preserved large shrew remains with pigmented teeth were recovered from early Pleistocene fissure sediments at Haimao, Dalian, northeast China. They are assigned to the genus Beremendia on the basis of their morphological characters. The monospecific genus Peisorex previously described from the early Pleistocene of north China is synonymized with Beremendia, because no basic morphological differences indicative of generic distinction exist between them, and its sole species, P. pohaiensis, therefore becomes Beremendia. Comparison with the holotype of this species reveals that the remains from Haimao belong to Beremendia pohaiensis. Moreover, it is newly recognized that "Peisorex pliocaenicus" recently described from the middle Pliocene of north China is conspecific with B. pohaiensis. The remains from Haimao provide us with much knowledge on the morphological characters of B. pohaiensis, which is distinct from other known species of Beremendia. The occurrence of B. pohaiensis is the first reliable record of the genus in East Asia, because previous records of Beremendia from East Asia lack sufficient grounds in identification. Beremendia has been known mainly from the early Pliocene to middle Pleistocene of Europe. B. pohaiensis indicates that Beremendia was distributed both in Europe and East Asia from the middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene. This genus had probably migrated from Europe to East Asia by the middle Pliocene.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 1996-06-30
河村 善也
Department Of Earth Sciences Aichi University Of Education
河村 善也
Jin Chan-zhu
Institute Of Vertebrate Paleoantology And Paleoanthropology
Jin C‐z
Institute Of Vertebrate Paleontology And Paleoanthropology
Kawamura Yoshinari
Kawamura Y
Department Of Earth Sciences Aichi University Of Education
Kawamura Y
Aichi Univ. Education Aichi Prefecture Jpn
Kawamura Yoshinari
Department Of Earth Sciences Aichi University Of Education
Yoshinari Kawamura
Department Of Earth Sciences Aichi University Of Education Kariya Aichi Prefecture
Yoshinari Kawamura
Aichi University Of Education
Jin Chang
Institute Of Vertebrate Paleontology And Paleoanthropology
Chang-zhu Jin
Institute Of Vertebrate Paleontology And Paleoanthropology Academia Sinica
Jin Chang-zhu
Institute Of Vertebrate Paleontology And Paleoanthropology Chinese Academy Of Sciences
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