日本古生物学会 | 論文
- 30. A Fossil Frog from Japan
- Early Carboniferous trigonoceratid nautilids from the Pitkin Formation of Arkansas, Midcontinent North America
- フィールドの生物学-(10)凹凸型の殻に隠された謎:腕足動物の化石探訪, 椎野勇太(著), 東海大学出版会, 2013年7月20日発行, 268pp., ISBN 978-4-486-01849-0, 2000円(税別)
- Two permianellids (Brachiopoda) from the Middle Permian of the Southern Kitakami Mountains, Northeast Japan.
- The terebratulid Kutchithyris (Brachiopoda) from the Jurassic sequence of Kutch, western India-revisited
- 29. Brachiopod Morphology: Studies on the Anterior and Lateral Commissures of Certain Forms and the Curvature of the Beak, their Relationship and Morphological Importance
- The turrilitid ammonoid Mariella from Hokkaido-Part 3. Studies of the Cretaceous ammonites from Hokkaido and Sakhalin-LXXXVII.
- The presence of an azhdarchid pterosaur in the Cretaceous of Japan.
- 37. Restudy on the Dames' Types of the Cambrian Trilobites from Liaotung
- 97. A Preliminary Note on the Fossils from Hiraga-gun, Akita Prefecture, Northeast Honsyû, Japan
- 16. The World-Wide Distribution of the Ribeirioid in the Ordovician Period
- 9. Nagatoella, A New Genus of Permian Fusulinids
- Biogeography of the genus Neptunea (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from the Pliocene and the lower Pleistocene of the Japan Sea borderland.
- An exceptionally well-preserved fossil seep community from the Cretaceous Yezo Group in the Nakagawa area, Hokkaido, northern Japan
- Taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Theocorys (Nassellaria, Radiolaria) from the Eocene and Oligocene sequences in the Antarctic region.
- Occurrence of Carboniferous corals from the Geumcheon Formation of Danyang area, Korea.
- Permian orthoconic cephalopods of the Ochiai Formation in the Southern Kitakami Mountains, Northeast Japan.
- Evolutionary history of the Cenozoic bivalve genus Kaneharaia (Veneridae).
- 韓国白亜系産の非海生二枚貝Plicatounio属について〔英文〕
- First discosorid cephalopod from Japan.