Evolutionary history of the Cenozoic bivalve genus Kaneharaia (Veneridae).
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The evolutionary history of the bivalve genus Kaneharaia (Dosiniinae) is discussed. The genus Kaneharaia is restricted to the North Pacific region and contains four species : K. kaneharai (Yokoyama), K. kannoi (Masuda), K. ausiensis (llyina) and K. sp. K. ausiensis survived until the mid-Pliocene while the other three species became extinct at the end of the Miocene. In addition to these species, Dosinia mathewsonii from the upper Oligocene San Ramon Formation of California and D. whytneyi from the early middle Miocene Astoria Formation of Oregon most probably belong to the genus Kaneharaia. Kaneharaia evolved from the common ancestor with Dosinia because both genera share many common characteristics such as the subumbonal pit, the brown-coloured surface, and the finely crossed lamellar structure in the outer layer. Based on the fossil record, Kaneharaia first appeared in the northeastern Pacific during the late Oligocene and migrated westward during the early middle Miocene Climatic Optimum in the North Pacific.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
日本古生物学会 | 論文
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