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Zoeae of the five varunid crabs, Eriocheir japonicus DE HAAN, Hemigrapsus sanguieneus (DE HAAN) , H. Penicillatus (DE HAAN) , H. longitarsis (MIERS) and Gaetice depressus (DE HAAN) , of the family Grapsidae were successfully reared in the laboratory from hatching to the megalopa stage. Artemia nauplii were given as food. In this paper, the zoeal stages of all the species are described in detail and those of H. longitarsis are figured. The zoeae of these species are compared with those of the other members of the Subfamily Varuninae so far studied by previous writers. As in H. nudus, H. oregoniensis and Acmaeopleura parvula, the five species herein dealt with have five zoeal stages before transforming into the megalopa. The zoeae of the varunid crabs are very similar in structure one another, although minor differences are found among different genera. As to the five species, zoeae of genus Hemigrapsus are different from those of the other two genera (Eriocheir and Gaetice) by the occurrence of one small seta on the anterior lateral surface of scaphognathite in the last stage and also in setation of basal endite of maxilla I in stage IV. Furthermore, zoeae of the two species of genus Eriocheir and the five species of Hemigrapsus can be distinguished from those of the genera, Acmaeopleura and Caetice, by having lateral carapace spines. Among the nine known species differences are found in the presence or absence of chromatophores on protopod of maxilliped II, mid-lateral spines on abdominal segments II and III, setation on endopod of maxilliped II, and the type of antenna II.
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