- 論文の詳細を見る
Gelatin (0.0〜1.0%(w/w)) / agarose (0.5%(w/w)) mixed gels were analyzed for syneresis phenomena and rheological properties. 1. Changes over time of syneresis of gelatin/agarose mixed gels are expressed as the following equation : Dm/dt=k(1-M)^2. where M=m/m_∞ (m:syneresis at holding time, t, and m_∞:equilibrium syneresis), k is the rate constant of syneresis. 2. The equilibrium syneresis is higher for containing gelatin under 0.4% mixed gels and lower for gelatin containing gelatin over 0.6% than for agarose gel. Half of time required to reach the equilibrium syneresis decreased as the gelatin concentration increased, resulting in a shorter time to equilibrium syneresis. 3. Storage modulus of agarose gels was 4.24×10^3 Pa ,and the addition of gelatin resulted in 4.83-5.30×10^3 Pa. With mixed gels containing under 0.6%, storage modulus decreased with holding time. But almost no decrease was observed containing over 0.8% gels. 4. From electronmicroscopic observation, the small particles of gelatin molecules were attached to agarose molecular chain bundles ,which formed a complex netted structure.
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