K-1236 空調ダクトの動的設計手法の開発(J06-4 流体関連の騒音と振動(4))(J06 流体関連の騒音と振動)
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This paper describes an evaluation method of pressure fluctuation in a duct and a dynamic design method of the duct as input of the pressure fluctuation. We carried out a wind tunnel test to evaluate the level and correlation area of pressure fluctuation. The wind tunnel models are rectangle bend models, expansion models, reduction models, joint models etc. On the basis of the wind tunnel test results, we made models of the power spectrum and correlation area of the pressure fluctuation by using the formality curves. And we analyzed the dynamic response of a duct in a real plant by using the power spectrum model. The analytical results showed reasonable agreement with the measuring results and we were able to confirm the appropriateness of the evaluation method.
- 2001-08-22
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