The endogenic variation in CNV : The differeoce of CNV amplitmje between when the subjects lere preseoted the rate of appearance of motor reaotieoal stimulus and when they weren't done it.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
- 1993-03-01
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Physiologicai Anthropology Kyushu University Of Oesign Sciences
IWaKIRI Kaznyuki
Department of Physiologicai Anthropology, kyushu university of Oesign Sciences
Department of Physiologicai Anthropology, kyushu university of Oesign Sciences
Iwakiri Kaznyuki
Department Of Physiologicai Anthropology Kyushu University Of Oesign Sciences
Yasunouchi Akira
Department Of Physiologicai Anthropology Kyushu University Of Oesign Sciences
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
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