Bioassay for Neutron Dose Estimation of Three Victims in the JCO Criticality Accident by Measuring β-ray emitters 1. Bioassay as an emergency countermeasure
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Takeda H
Brown Univ.
Yoshikawa M
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Environmental and Toxicological Sciences Research Group
Division of Education and Scientific Services
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
KOUNO Fuyuki
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
TAKEDA Hiroshi
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Miyamoto Kiriko
Env. Toxic. Sci. Cent. Radiat. Safety Nat. Inst. Rad. Sci.(nirs)
Miyamoto Kiriko
Nishimura Yoshikazu
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Nishimura Yoshikazu
Nishimura Yoshikazu
Nati. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
FUMA Shoichi
National Institute of Rediological Sciences
Watanabe Yoshito
Watanabe Yoshito
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Watanabe Yoshito
Division Of Human Radiation Environment National Institute Of Radiological Science
Takeda Hiroshi
Env. Toxic. Sci. Cent. Radiat. Safety Nat. Inst. Rad. Sci.(nirs)
Takeda Hiroshi
Advanced Medical Sci. Res. Center Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corp.
Takeda H
Lab. Of Forest Ecology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Fuma Shoichi
Env. Toxic. Sci. Cent. Radiat. Safety Nat. Inst. Rad. Sci.(nirs)
Yukawa Masae
Takeda Homma-shino
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Hiroi T
Nasa Johnson Space Center Tx Usa
Hashimoto Tatsuaki
Research Institute Chiba Institute Of Technology
Watanabe Yoshito
Natl. Irist Radiol. Sci.
Akashi Makoto
National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Takeda Hiroshi
National Agriculture Research Center For Hokkaido Region
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- Bioassay for Neutron Dose Estimation of Three Victims in the JCO Criticality Accident by Measuring β-ray emitters 1. Bioassay as an emergency countermeasure
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- Foreword
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