Effects of High Energy Carbon Ion Irradiation on Negative Gravitaxis and Lipid Peroxidation in Euglena Gracilis
YASUDA Hiroshi
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Doi Masahiro
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
YASUDA Hiroshi
Doi Masahiro
Research Center For Radiation Safety National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Radiation Hazards Research Group
FUMA Shoichi
National Institute of Rediological Sciences
DER HDonat-P.
Friedrich-Alexander Univ.
Research Center for Radiation Safety, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Institut fur Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologie der Friedrich-Alexander Universitat
Sakashita Tetsuya
Research Center For Radiation Safety National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Yasuda H
National Inst. Radiological Sci. Chiba‐shi Jpn
Yukawa Osami
Natio. Inst. Radi. Sci. Div Of Biology And Oncology.
Yukawa Osami
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences Research Center For Radiation Safety
Fuma Shoichi
Env. Toxic. Sci. Cent. Radiat. Safety Nat. Inst. Rad. Sci.(nirs)
Haeder D‐p
Institut Fur Botanik Und Pharmazeutische Biologie Der Friedrich-alexander Universitat
Doi Masahiro
Environmental And Toxicological Sciences Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Yasuda H
Natio. Inst. Radi. Sci. , Div of Biology and Oncology.
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