Mass and Local Topography Measurements of Itokawa by Hayabusa
Takeda H
Brown Univ.
Kobe University
Kubota Takashi
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Jaxa
Yoshikawa Makoto
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Matsuoka Masatoshi
Nec Aerospace System Ltd.
Takeda Hiroshi
Advanced Medical Sci. Res. Center Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corp.
Takeda H
Lab. Of Forest Ecology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Hirata Naru
Univ. Aizu Fukushima Jpn
Hiroi T
Nasa Johnson Space Center Tx Usa
Honda Takayuki
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Hiraoka Kensuke
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Hashimoto Tatsuaki
Research Institute Chiba Institute Of Technology
Kubota T
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Jaxa
Hashimoto Tatsuaki
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Jaxa
Nakamura Ryosuke
Earth Observation Research Center Nasda
Fukushima National College of Technology
Planetary Science Institute
Honda Takayuki
Graduate School Of Science Kobe University
Hiroi T
Department Of Geological Sciences Brown University
Demura H
Lunar Mission Laboratory Nasda
Hirata Naru
Department Of Computer Software The University Of Aizu
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