Graphic Database on Predicted Monitoring Data for Intakes of Radionuclides
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Takai Nobuhiko
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Enomoto Hiroko
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Matsumoto Masaki
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ishigure Nobuhito
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Takai Nobuhiko
Department Of Molecular And Cellular Pharmacology Nagoya City University
Enomoto Hiroko
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ishigure N
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
NAKANO Takashi
Environ. Radiat. Prot. Res. Group, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ishigure Nobuhito
Environmental Radiation Protection Research Group Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
- 67 Study on regional cerebral injury induced by heave-ion beams in rats(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Prenatal X-irradiation-induced alterations in the cerebellar cortex in the rat
- Histological and Elemental Changes in the Rat Brain after Local Irradiation with Carbon Ion Beams
- Retention, Excretion and Translocation of ^Pu in Rats Following Inhalation of ^PuO_2 Calcined at 1150 and 400℃
- Dose evaluation and effective dose estimation from CT fluoroscopy-guided lung biopsy
- Repair of Skin Damage During Fractionated Irradiation with Gamma Rays and Low-LET Carbon Ions
- Biological Gain of Carbon-ion Radiotherapy for the Early Response of Tumor Growth Delay and against Early Response of Skin Reaction in Mice
- 269 Significance of beta term in carbon-ion radiotherapy(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 265 Relationship between RBE values of Carbon Ion and Tumor Growth Rate(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Radioprotective Effects of Beer on Radiation-Induced Acute Toxicity in Mice
- Dependence of Gut-crypt Sensitivity on the Time Interval between Two Fractions of Carbon Ion Radiation
- Tumor Growth Rate and RBE values of high LET Carbon Ions
- Dependence of Carbon-Ion RBE on Dose Size -Difference between Skin and Tumors
- Relative Biological Effectiveness of 290 MeV/u Carbon Ions for the Growth Delay of a Radioresistant Murine Fibrosarcoma
- RBE of Carbon Ions for Tumor Growth Delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions induced resistance in mouse gut crypt cells
- Effects of sequentially mixed LET on tumor growth delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions to gut intestinal crypt cells
- Bioassay for Neutron Dose Estimation of Three Victims in JCO Criticality Accident by Measuring P-rayErnitter. 4. Dose evaluation on the basis of 32P in urine.
- Correlation between cell death and induction of non-rejoining PCC breaks irradiated by accelerated carbon-ion beams and X rays
- Effects of fractionated irradiation with carbon ions on the NFSa fibrosarcoma in mice
- A new method using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to determine grazing rate on live bacterial cells by protists
- Retention excretion and translocation of Pu in rats following the Inhalation of PuO_2 fired at 400 and 1150t
- Dose-effect relationships of lung tumors induced by inhaled plutonium dioxide in the rat
- Dose dependence of lung tumors induced by inhaled plutonium dioxide in the rat
- Computational Analysis of Community Level Impacts of Radiation to the Microcosm
- Radiation Effects on Primary Cultures of Mouse Brain Cells
- Early effects of carbon ion beam on adult mouse brain tissues:damage to the hippocampus
- Heavy ions-induced cognitive dysfunction in the ddy mice
- Determination of Radionuclides Produced by Neutrons in Heavily Exposed Workers of the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura for Estimating an Individual's Neutron Fluence
- Measurement of radionuclides in blood, urine and vomit samples collected from three heavily exposed patients of the Tokai-mura criticality accident and the estimation of an individual's neutron fluence.
- Bioassay for Neutron Dose Estimation of Three Victims in JCO Criticality Accident by Measuring β-ray Emitters 2. Determination of 32P concentration in hair of the victims and estimation of the fast neutron dose
- Calculation of the Absorbed Dose for the Overexposed Patients at the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Dose Estimation for the Overexposed Patients at the Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- The Use of Brick Samples for Retrospective Dosimetry based on Thermoluminiscence Method in the Novozybkov area of Bransk region affected due to Chernobyl Accident
- Dose evaluation and effective dose estimation from multi detector CT
- 267 Early Change of ^C-Thymidine Uptake after Carbon-beam Irradiation in Experimental Tumors(Bases of radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Dose Response and Its Statistical Analysis for Micronucleus Induction in V79 Cells by In Vitro Irradiation with ct-Particles from ^Am
- Ectopic Neurons in the Hippocampus may be a Cause of Learning Disability after Prenatal Exposure to X-rays in Rats
- Long-term Memory and Neuropathological Effects of Prenatal X-irradiation in the Rat
- Changes in Histological Construction and Decrease in 3H-QNB Binding in the Rat Brain after Prenatal X-irradiation
- Dose Estimation by ESR on Tooth Enamel from Two Workers Exposed to Radiation due to the JCO accident
- Distinct different intra-tumor distribution of FDG between early phase and late phase in mouse fibrosarcoma
- KB-R7943 reveals possible involvement of Na^+-Ca^ exchanger in elevation of intracellular Ca^ in rat carotid arterial myocytes
- Paralysis of rats after spinal cord irradiation with carbon ions
- Database for Dose Conversion Coefficients of Radon Progeny for Various Conditions of Aerosol Characteristics
- 178 Development of Software for Organ Dose Estimation at Radiation Emergency with Internal Contamination(Environmental effects of radiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Graphic Database on Predicted Monitoring Data for Intakes of Radionuclides
- Age Dependence of Interpretation of Bioassay Data for the Intake of Radionuclides by Members of the Public
- Ca_-Images of Smooth Muscle Cells and Endothelial Cells in One Confocal Plane in Femoral Artery Segments of the Rat
- Survey of the natural radiation level in volcanic areas. - Surveys in Unzen and Miharayama volcanic areas -
- Early skin reactions after fractionated irradiation of 290MeV/u Carbon- 12