Radiation dose estimation by ESR on tooth enamel from Hiroshima A-bomb survivors. Part 1 : Preservation and preparation of the materials.
Nakamura N
Radiation Effects Res. Foundation Hiroshima Jpn
Akiyama M
Radiation Effects Research Foundation Dept. Of Radiobiology
Sawada S
Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima University
Iwasaki M
Ohu Univ. Fukushima
Niwa K
Ohu Univ Sch Dentistry
Miyazawa C
Ohu Univ Sch Dentistry
Akiyama M
Radiat Effects Res Found
- Induction of dominant lethality and teratogenesis in F_1 mice following paternal ^Cf neutron-irradiation at pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages of germ cells.
- Accumulation of Cells at G_2/M Stage by Low Dose-Rate Irradiation Renders the Cell Population More Susceptible to the Subsequent Induction of 6-Thioguanine-Resistant Mutations by ^Cf Fission Neutrons.
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- Biological Effectiveness of Ultrasoft X-rays from the Characteristic X-ray Generator of Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University
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- Cell Cycle and LET Dependence for Radiation-induced Mutation : A Possible Mechanism for Reversed Dose-rate Effect
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- Gastric Tumor Induction by 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine in Wistar Rats with Intestinal Metaplasia Caused by X-Irradiation
- Radiation-induced teratogenicity and embryo lethality in the scid mice.
- Assessment of Radiation Effect on Germline Mutation in Mice Based on Whole Genome Scanning by Two-Dimensional DNA Gel
- Study of Spontaneous and X-Ray Induced Germ Cell Mutations in Mice by 2-D DNA Gel Analysis : III. Estimate of Doubling Dose
- T-cell differentiation from one HPRT mutant stem cell in a male A-bomb survivor.
- Sperm abnormality and embryo lethality in mice following monoenergetic neutrons irradiation.
- Ferroelectricity in Barium Sodium Tantalate Ba_2NaTa_5O_15
- Note on the Phase Diagram of Ba_2NaNb_Ta_O_
- Somatic Cell Mutations in Atomic Bomb Survivors : II. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
- In Vitro Culture of Human Thyroid Cells; Methods and Application to Radiation Biology
- Investigation of tumorigenesis in male mice after exposure to 12.5 cGy ^Cf fission neutrons irradiation
- The study on RBE of heavy ions in mice. II.
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- Study on Influence of X-ray Baggage Scan on ESR Dosimetry for SNTS using Human Tooth Enamel
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- 55 Chromosome Aberrations, Clone Formation, and Leukemia(Chromosome aberrations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 4 Fetal Mice are Resistant to Radiation-Induced Translocations(Atomic bomb effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Fingerprint of High LET radiation (F-value) for chromosome aberration and radiation effects of atomic bomb.
- Detection of clonal chromosome aberrations by FISH in the A-bomb survivors.
- Evaluation of possible population bias among high-dose atomic-bomb survivors in the frequency of the HLA Class II gene types.
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- Establishment of an in vivo somatic mutation assay at the T-cell receptor gene in the mouse.
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- Identification of clonal chromosome aberrations by repeated lymphocyte tests in A-bomb survivors.
- Clustering of interstitial deletions on chromosome 5q in the lymphocytes from atomic-bomb survivors.
- Dose-response relationship for frequencies of stable chromosome aberrations in A-bomb survivors - Variation in dose-response curves by shielding categories.
- Induction of 6-thioguanine-resistant mutations by ^Cf fission neutrons in the cells pre-irradiated at low dose-rate.
- Estimation of minimum length of translocated chromosome tips detectable by FISH.
- Comparison of iranslocation frequencies between FISH and conventional methods in lymphocytes from A-bomb survivors.
- Molecular analysis of mutant Fc γ receptor III (Fc γ R III) gene in neutrophils.
- Development of a Nobel Assay System to Detect Human Somatic Mutations Using Neutrophils. I. At the Fcy Receptor III Locus
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- Overview of Immunological Studies on A-bomb Survivors : II. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
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- Antiferroelectricity along the b-Axis in Ferroelectric Rb_2CoBr_4
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- Piezoelectric and Elastic Properties or Ferroelectric Dicalcium Lead Propionate
- Optical Rotatory Power and 60℃ Phase Transition of Ca_2Pb(C_2H_5CO_2)_6
- ESR dose estimation using tooth enamel from Hiroshima A-bomb survivors. III.Results of 69 survivors for correlation between stable chromosome aberration frequency and ESR signal intensity.
- ESR dose estimation using tooth enamel from Hiroshima A-bomb survivors. II. Correlation between stable chromosome aberration frequency vs ESR signal intensity.
- Radiation dose estimation by ESR on tooth enamel from Hiroshima A-bomb survivors. Part 1 : Preservation and preparation of the materials.