Clustering of interstitial deletions on chromosome 5q in the lymphocytes from atomic-bomb survivors.
Nakamura N
Radiation Effects Res. Foundation Hiroshima Jpn
Nakamura Nori
RERF, Department of Genetics
Awa Akio
Dept. Genet. Radiation Effects Research Foundation Hiroshima
Awa A
Radiation Effects Research Foundation Hiroshima Jpn
RERF, Grnetics
RERF, Dept. Genet
Awa A.
Dept. Of Genetics Rerf
Ohtaki K
Dept. Genet. Radiation Effects Research Foundation Hiroshima
Nakamura Nori
Dept. Of Genetics Rerf
Awa Akio
Genetics Radiation Effects Research Foundation
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- Somatic Cell Mutations in Atomic Bomb Survivors : II. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
- In Vitro Culture of Human Thyroid Cells; Methods and Application to Radiation Biology
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- 55 Chromosome Aberrations, Clone Formation, and Leukemia(Chromosome aberrations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 4 Fetal Mice are Resistant to Radiation-Induced Translocations(Atomic bomb effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Detection of clonal chromosome aberrations by FISH in the A-bomb survivors.
- Evaluation of possible population bias among high-dose atomic-bomb survivors in the frequency of the HLA Class II gene types.
- Translocation breakpoints distribute less frequently in chromosome terminal portion in lymphocytes of A-bomb survivors
- Establishment of an in vivo somatic mutation assay at the T-cell receptor gene in the mouse.
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- Clustering of interstitial deletions on chromosome 5q in the lymphocytes from atomic-bomb survivors.
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- Estimation of minimum length of translocated chromosome tips detectable by FISH.
- Comparison of iranslocation frequencies between FISH and conventional methods in lymphocytes from A-bomb survivors.
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- Radiation dose estimation by ESR on tooth enamel from Hiroshima A-bomb survivors. Part 1 : Preservation and preparation of the materials.